How about botanical skin care? Of course it's good! For thousands of years of human history, beauty-loving women have always known how to use a variety of flowers and plants to add color to their appearance. Soapberry shampoo, olive hair care, cucumber face, rice water whitening, loofah moisturizing ...... that is the wisdom of the ancestors, profound, but also after thousands of years of women's mice test, do not believe it can not be.

In modern times, we are even more amazed at the powerful effects of plants: unlike animal collagen that can only stay in the skin's stratum corneum, their molecular particles are usually very small, many plant extracts have a strong penetrating power to improve skin quality from the inside out. If we were to talk about the effectiveness of plants, a whole magazine wouldn't fit, so we would have to sit giggling at the bottom of the stage and shout: Yes!

After experiencing the luxury and complexity, people began to pursue the natural simplicity. After the skin care products experienced the mottled chemicals, now finally returned to the most primitive nature, people began to look for another skin health and vitality energy from flowers and plants. Since the love of plant skin care, and how to choose the right plant skin care products? First of all, it is important to understand that natural plants are not completely allergy-free, after all, many plants may also be allergens. So it is best to know what plant ingredients you are sensitive to before buying plant-based skin care products, and then carefully select them against the ingredients of the contents, or do a pre-purchase allergy test.

Skin care experts recommend choosing natural plant-based skin care products preferably containing as few chemical ingredients as possible, such as animal oils, propylene glycol, non-plant preservatives, etc., which can cause additional burden and irritation to the skin. So look at the ingredients of your skincare products, and it is recommended to choose brands that carry the organic skincare tagline. These brands strictly follow the completely natural from the ingredients to the packaging and guarantee that they never contain chemicals such as animal oil, propylene glycol, non-plant preservatives, etc.